ControlFlow provides a variety of settings to configure its behavior. These can be configured via environment variables or programmatically.

Environment variables

All settings can be set via environment variables using the format CONTROLFLOW_<setting name>.

For example, to set the default LLM model to gpt-4o-mini and the log level to DEBUG, you could set the following environment variables:

export CONTROLFLOW_LLM_MODEL=openai/gpt-4o-mini

You can also set these values in a .env file. By default, ControlFlow will look for a .env file at ~/.controlflow/.env, but you can change this behavior by setting the CONTROLFLOW_ENV_FILE environment variable.

export CONTROLFLOW_ENV_FILE="~/path/to/.env"

Runtime settings

You can examine and modify ControlFlow’s settings at runtime by inspecting or updating the controlflow.settings object. Most — though not all — changes to settings will take effect immediately. Here is the above example, but set programmatically:

import controlflow as cf

cf.settings.llm_model = 'openai/gpt-4o-mini'
cf.settings.log_level = 'DEBUG'

Available settings

Home settings

  • home_path: The path to the ControlFlow home directory. Default: ~/.controlflow

Display and logging settings

  • log_level: The log level for ControlFlow. Options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Default: INFO
  • log_prints: Whether to log workflow prints to the Prefect logger by default. Default: False
  • log_all_messages: If True, all LLM messages will be logged at the debug level. Default: False
  • pretty_print_agent_events: If True, a PrintHandler will be enabled and automatically pretty-print agent events. Note that this may interfere with logging. Default: True

Orchestration settings

  • orchestrator_max_agent_turns: The default maximum number of agent turns per orchestration session. If None, orchestration may run indefinitely. This setting can be overridden on a per-call basis. Default: 100
  • orchestrator_max_llm_calls: The default maximum number of LLM calls per orchestrating session. If None, orchestration may run indefinitely. This setting can be overridden on a per-call basis. Default: 1000
  • task_max_llm_calls: The default maximum number of LLM calls over a task’s lifetime. If None, the task may run indefinitely. This setting can be overridden on a per-task basis. Default: None

LLM settings

  • llm_model: The default LLM model for agents. Default: openai/gpt-4o
  • llm_temperature: The temperature for LLM sampling. Default: 0.7
  • max_input_tokens: The maximum number of tokens to send to an LLM. Default: 100000

Debug settings

  • debug_messages: If True, all messages will be logged at the debug level. Default: False
  • tools_raise_on_error: If True, an error in a tool call will raise an exception. Default: False
  • tools_verbose: If True, tools will log additional information. Default: True

Experimental settings

  • enable_experimental_tui: If True, the experimental TUI will be enabled. If False, the TUI will be disabled. Default: False
  • run_tui_headless: If True, the experimental TUI will run in headless mode, which is useful for debugging. Default: False

Prefect settings

These are default settings for Prefect when used with ControlFlow. They can be overridden by setting standard Prefect environment variables.

  • prefect_log_level: The log level for Prefect. Options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Default: WARNING