In this example, we’ll explore how ControlFlow enables the creation of complex, hierarchical workflows using dependent tasks. We’ve chosen a text analysis scenario to demonstrate several powerful features of ControlFlow:

  • Organizing tasks in a logical, nested structure
  • Simplifying data flow through automatic context sharing
  • Ensuring correct task execution order with dependencies
  • Maintaining a shared context across all tasks in a workflow

As you examine the code, pay attention to how these concepts are implemented and how they contribute to creating a clear, efficient workflow structure.


Key points

  1. Task hierarchy: The parent task encompasses the entire analysis process, with child tasks handling specific aspects. This structure allows for logical organization of complex workflows.
  2. Automatic context sharing: Child tasks have access to their parent’s context without explicit passing, streamlining data flow within the workflow.
  3. Dependencies: The depends_on parameter ensures tasks are executed in the correct order, as demonstrated by the summary task depending on the key terms task.
  4. Flow context: By wrapping tasks in a flow, ControlFlow maintains a shared context across all tasks, including visibility into prior executions and conversation history.
  5. Unified execution: Running the parent task automatically executes all child tasks in the correct order, simplifying workflow management.

Further reading

  • For more details on creating tasks and context sharing, see the task documentation.
  • To learn more about defining dependencies between tasks, check out the dependencies guide.
  • For information on how ControlFlow manages task execution and context, refer to the running tasks guide.

By leveraging these features, you can create complex workflows that maintain a clear structure and ensure efficient information flow between tasks. This approach helps in building more maintainable and scalable AI-powered applications with minimal boilerplate code.